Thursday, March 18, 2021

Why are the Liberals Suddenly Concerned about `Hate Crimes against Asian Americans`?

Anyone who has been even loosely following the mainstream media and discourse in Western countries, especially the United States, most likely has noticed that, as of the past month or so, the principle mouthpieces of the dominant internationalist liberal system have been drawing attention to so-called `hate crimes against Asians`. According to them, Asians in America and other Western nations have become targets of racially motivated abuse and violence at the hands of `White supremacists`. This is due, they further claim, to the `low-intelligence conservative underclass`s blaming of the present pandemic, which originated in an Asian country, on the Asian race in general. Trump is also implicated, simply due to the fact that popularized epithets such as `China virus`, which is apparently `racist`, even though it refers to a sovereign state (the People`s Republic of China), and not to a race or ethnicity. At the same time, these liberals completely ignore actual violence and discrimination against Asian Americans, perpetrated not at the hands of the White working class which they so despise, but at the hands of Black criminal gangsters and even liberals themselves.

Indeed this is a messy situation, with many actors each working in their own self-interests. In this article I will be dissecting the situation, and exposing the blatant hypocrisy and malice of the liberals` claims.

It would be simplest to start by analyzing this from the standpoint of domestic American politics and ideology. The recent and out-of-the-blue spark in interest in this so-called `anti-Asian hate` does not represent genuine concern for the Asian American community, nor does it have the interests of that community in mind in the slightest. It is nothing more than a political mechanism. It represents the latest in a very long string of political stunts staged by the liberals ever since this pandemic started. We don`t need to mention the outright refusal of congressional Democrats to work with Trump on the stimulus checks, simply because they knew doing so would guarantee his reelection. And just as that stunt involved liberals putting politics above their own electorate, so too does the present stunt involve them putting politics above the Asian Americans, whom they claim to represent. It is clear that they are simply using the Asian Americans to push a blatant political agenda.

Let us pick apart each of the liberals` central thesis in more depth. They claim that the pandemic has awakened racist attitudes among the White underclass, and this has lead to increased suffering of Asian Americans. For proof of this, they cite the growing anti-China sentiment among that segment of the population, which was instigated by, so they claim, Donald Trump during his presidency. Trump, despite having been out of office for two months, is still among their targets. They say his policies and rhetoric were `xenophobic`. This actually goes all the way back to the beginning of the pandemic, when Trump suggested shutting off the entrance of PRC nationals into the country to prevent the spread of the coronavirus to America. For this he was berated by the liberals, who said this ban was racially motivated, even though it was targeted against a sovereign state, not a race. Liberals, who pride themselves on intellectualism and open-mindedness, show their ignorance in assuming that the People`s Republic is the only place in the world where Chinese live, ignoring Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and many others. Did the liberals care about the Asian residents of those countries when they apparently spoke on their behalf in denouncing Trump? In their minds, to be opposed to the People`s Republic means to be opposed to the Chinese race. This is incredibly absurd. For one, there are plenty of ethnic Chinese, let alone members of other Asian ethnicities, who are opposed to the aggressive and subversive policies of the Mainland. Do we even need to mention Taiwan, which right now is dealing with the possibility of an invasion? When will the liberals stand up for the Taiwanese, who are themselves Chinese? What about the Mongolians, Uyghurs, Manchurians and many more who have suffered and continue to suffer from the racialist attitudes of the ruling Chinese Communist Party? According to this logic, those people are guilty of anti-Asian hatred, despite being Asians themselves! God forbid that a White person should oppose the PRC!

Uyghurs imprisoned by the CCP. If you are opposed to this, then you are a racist.

Ignoring the voices of critique launched by countless Asians at the Chinese Communists, the liberals are busy `standing up` for the Asian Americans, who are, they claim, being oppressed by Trump-inspired White supremacists. Again, there is no evidence for this. They will point to graphs showing an increase in crime against Asian Americans, but these graphs do not indicate the race of the perpetrators, let alone indicate that they are `White supremacists`. In fact, most of the anti-Asian violence and discrimination in this country is done at the hands of liberals themselves and their supporters.

Let`s talk about the Blacks. We find that many members of this overwhelmingly Blue voter block, which has been the focal point of liberal ideology for innumerable decades, harbor hatred and feelings of superiority towards Asian Americans. This is even evident in their cultural media. Songs written by Black rappers include lyrics such as `First you find a house and scope it out. Find a Chinese neighborhood cause they don`t believe in bank accounts.`1 Lyrics such as these, depicting robbery of Asian Americans, are cultural expressions of what has been common practice among Black criminals for many years. They often view Asians and Asian-owned establishments as easy targets, believing that Asians are weak and unable or unwilling to defend themselves. And here I am not slinging baseless accusations; the behaviors of many Asian Americans themselves, who often cohabit the same Democrat-run metropolises with the Blacks, largely confirm this. We are reminded of the famous `Rooftop Koreans`, residents of Los Angeles who took the defense of their stores into their own hands during the Blacks` violent race riots of the `90s. Since then, not much has changed. In Minnesota, during the BLM riots of 2020, stores owned by Hmongs and other Asians were looted and burned by Blacks and their liberal White accomplices (such as Antifa). Did CNN publish any articles about this? Yet Trump saying `China virus` is a reason to be up in arms. The hypocrisy could not be more obvious...

 The 'Rooftop Koreans', who exercised their right to self defense during the violent LA riots of the '90s.

In some cases, it seems that anti-Asian attitudes are actually correlated with far-Left wokeness, not `White supremacism`. Have we forgotten when it was exposed that university admission teams, in the spirit of `diversity and equity` intentionally discriminated against Asians and Whites, on the grounds that they were `too privileged`, giving preference instead to Blacks and other dark-skinned races? Indeed, woke ideology such as this is inimical to the Asian American community and its values. The attitudes of many Asians, which were inherited largely from Confucianism, prize hard work, loyalty and paternalism. The liberals, on the other hand, wish to reward the lazy, punish loyalty and are feminist. Unlike their more beloved minority, the Blacks, Asians in America have for many decades understood the importance of hard work and family values, and as a result are have become one of the wealthiest minorities. Now, like the Whites, who too champion (or at least used to) hard work and family values, they are being seen according to the woke ideology as `privileged`. And this is not an isolated phenomenon. I have personally witnessed, in my own Midwestern locality, liberal education authorities speak publicly about how Whites and Asians are equally guilty of `privilege`, and that both must submit to policies which favor Blacks and other minorities. The present situation is just laughable: we now have woke liberals who, on the one hand believe Asian are, like Whites, `privileged`, on the other hand are `standing up` for Asians against `anti-Asian hate`.

These people clearly take Asian Americans to be fools. While harboring a silent disdain for them, liberals simultaneously speak on their behalf in order to push political agendas and worthless woke ideology. Now most Asian Americans are fairly intelligent individuals, and should be able to see through this obvious abuse. We might be surprised then, to see certain vocal members of the Asian American community actually come out in support of the liberals. For instance:

Do Asian converts to the cult of internationalist liberalism such as Jenny Yang really have the interests of Asians in mind? I am really curious about how decriminalizing sex work will benefit Asians. Is she trying to imply that Asians are more likely than other races to engage in sex work? Not only is that false, but, one can imagine, if a White person said that, they would be labeled a `racist` and cancelled immediately. Reading further, we find calls for `shifting resources away from the police state to support the basic needs of the most vulnerable members of our community.` Again, how is this supposed to benefit Asians? We see again the liberal party line being parroted, that the police need to be defunded. How does this stop anti-Asian hate? And who are `the most vulnerable members of our community`? This sure doesn`t refer to Asians, who, as I mentioned above, are one of the wealthiest and healthiest groups in this country. Further, Asians have the lowest rate of crime in America, especially violent crime. There are probably more Chinese Americans convicted for industrial espionage than there are convicted for robbery or rape. Of all people, Asians are the least likely to run into the police. Yet defunding the police will benefit them? I can only conclude that what Jenny Yang had in mind was not Asians, but another group of people...

Articles like this are popping up everywhere. This one in particular, from Vox, does us a favor in that it is incredibly honest about how the liberals really feel. In the end, this is not about Asians. If the liberals cared about Asians, we would have heard about it decades ago. Forget about all the Asians who have been the victims of Blacks, whether by riot or robbery, the real victims here are the Blacks, and the real enemies are the `White supremacists`. The only reason we are hearing about this now is because, thanks to the coronavirus and Trump saying `China virus`, liberals now can scrape together enough `evidence` that these `White supremacists` actually exist. And of course by `evidence` I mean exaggerated, sensationalized or even made-up indications that the coronavirus has somehow caused White supremacists to get up and go around committing hate crimes against Asians. The liberals are suckers for drama and narrative. Their entire worldview is based upon a `Human Story`, of which they are the author. This is why they have taken control of the media; telling this made-up story is how they disseminate their ideology. In a story, there is a sequence of events that are connected to one another by probability. Without the element of probability, a story is unbelievable2. In this case, there was a pandemic that came from China. Because of this, the White supremacists began to hate China, and because they`re so ignorant and uncultured, they just automatically think that all Asians are Chinese and thus guilty for the virus. Therefore we have to ban guns/cancel people/put people on terror watchlists/etc. Sounds probable, right? An intelligent person can realize that it is a sham, but the average American, doped up on social media and mainstream culture, will read it on Vox and silently nod their head, thinking to themselves, `makes sense.`

It is a sham simply because it is untrue; if liberals would like to present actual evidence for their claims, I will revise what I have said. If liberals show me the gangs of White supremacists going around abusing Asians, I will delete this article and eat my words. The problem is that they have no actual evidence. If they had evidence, there would be no need for all this sensationalism and emotional story-telling. What is indisputable is that liberals are using this to further their silly agenda and make political gains. The Communist Chinese clearly benefit from this as well; from a realpolitik standpoint, a bleeding-heart liberal America is nothing but a weakened adversary. These two alone should be enough to cast doubt on every word that comes out of the liberals` mouth.

To any Asian American readers (including Eurasian American readers), as a fellow Asian American, I urge you not to fall for the liberals` lies. Contrary to their claims, they do not represent Asians, as I have laid out above. And I am not some shill for the Republicans either. The Republicans lack the courage and ideological and intellectual vigor to take on the liberals. They are obsolete. What is needed is a clean break from the present two-party paradigm, and increased focus on the fundamental truths and values of both the Western and Eastern civilizations.


1: This is from the song of YG, entitled Meet the Flockers.

2: In fiction there is a concept know as the `willing suspension of disbelief`. It is based on the idea that the factual basis of a story does not matter, as long as the internal events seem logical and probable. For example, an author can please an audience by writing a story of complete fantasy, involving magic, monsters, deep space travel, etc. But if the protagonist dies suddenly from a heart attack right before fighting the antagonist, the audience will be frustrated. An audience will willingly believed that there could be magic, monsters, etc., but it does not seem probable to them that the protagonist dies randomly right before the climax. What I mean is that a probable series of events is easily believed, even if the substance of those events is dubious. A lot of people these days make judgements based on things that `could probably be true`, rather than confirmed facts.

Journal Entry, Oct. 3, 2021: On existence, work and authenticity

I have become slightly acquainted to the truth of existence, work and authenticity. The path of spiritual growth of all things involves s...