
Here I have provided a simple list of terms and definitions, which give a general impression or overview of my school of thought. Terms will have hyperlinks to relevant articles that further elaborate on that topic.

Eurasian: something which is the oneness (unity) of what is European with what is Asian.

Eurasianism: Eurasianness, the state of being Eurasian, in being, manner, character, spirit, etc. What is Eurasianism?

Race: put simply, the natural variation of human types and their morphology, the mechanism of which is "descent with modification", the creation, perpetuation, splitting and merging of human lineages with respect to space and time. On Race

Tradition: a strand of thought which is perpetuated across generations. Ideas that are inherited from ancestors. What is Tradition?

Neotradition: the revival, revitalization and continuation of an ancient strand of thought which has been (mostly or fully) broken off at some point in the past.

Eurasian Tradition: A tradition which expresses both Europeanness and Asianness, a tradition which is the oneness (unity) of European and Asian tradition.

Eurasian Neotradition: The resurrection, revitalization and continuation of that historical Eurasian Tradition, and at the same time, the tradition which results from the synthesis of European and Asian traditions.

Hapas/Eurasians: Also called Biracial Eurasians. People who exemplify the state of being Eurasian, which is the oneness of the European and Asian, thus, people who are of mixed European and Asian extraction (race).

Deracination: literally, to remove the roots. Destroying the traditional heritage of a people or race and replacing it with fake modern constructs. Leads to the destruction of a tradition.

Reracination: The opposite process. Renouncing these fake modern constructs and reconstructing the roots and traditional heritage which was lost. Leads to the creation of a neotradition.

Neotribe: also called a neorace. A new group of people formed which practices the neotradition. Eventually, over the generations, becomes a full-fledged ethnic or racial community which is impervious to modernity.

Modernity: the opposite of Tradition. Strands of thought (languages, cultures, religions, values) that are the result of human artifice, rather than naturally evolving. Humanism, Enlightenment and the Problem of Man

Antitradition: also the opposite of Tradition. It resembles tradition in that it consists of ideas, beliefs and practices, but these are actually modern constructs of human artifice. Tradition differs from antitradtition mainly in that it originates in primordial Nature, while antitradition originates from modern human artifice.

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